Source code for bocoel.corpora.indices.whitening

from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import structlog
from numpy import linalg
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from bocoel.corpora.indices import utils
from bocoel.corpora.indices.interfaces import Boundary, Distance, Index, InternalResult

LOGGER = structlog.get_logger()

[docs] class WhiteningIndex(Index): """ Whitening index. Whitens the data before indexing. See for more info. """
[docs] def __init__( self, embeddings: NDArray, distance: str | Distance, *, reduced: int, whitening_backend: type[Index], **backend_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Initializes the whitening index. Parameters: embeddings: The embeddings to index. distance: The distance metric to use. reduced: The reduced dimensionality. NOP if larger than embeddings shape. whitening_backend: The backend to use for indexing. **backend_kwargs: The backend specific keyword arguments. """ # Reduced might be smaller than embeddings. # In such case, no dimensionality reduction is performed. if reduced > embeddings.shape[1]: reduced = embeddings.shape[1] "Reduced dimensionality is larger than embeddings. Using full dimensionality", reduced=reduced, embeddings=embeddings.shape, ) white = self.whiten(embeddings, reduced) assert white.shape[1] == reduced, { "whitened": white.shape, "reduced": reduced, } self._index = whitening_backend( embeddings=white, distance=distance, **backend_kwargs ) assert reduced == self._index.dims
@property def batch(self) -> int: return self._index.batch @property def data(self) -> NDArray: """ Returns the data. This does not necessarily have the same dimensionality as the original transformed embeddings. Returns: The data. """ return @property def distance(self) -> Distance: return self._index.distance @property def boundary(self) -> Boundary: return self._index.boundary def _search(self, query: NDArray, k: int = 1) -> InternalResult: return self._index._search(query, k=k) @staticmethod def whiten(embeddings: NDArray, k: int) -> NDArray: embeddings = utils.normalize(embeddings) mean = embeddings.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) covar = np.cov(embeddings.T) u, v, _ = linalg.svd(covar) sqrt_inv_v = 1 / (v**0.5) w = u @ np.diag(sqrt_inv_v)[:, :k] white = (embeddings - mean) @ w return white