Source code for bocoel.corpora.indices.polar

from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import structlog
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray

from bocoel.corpora.indices import utils
from bocoel.corpora.indices.interfaces import Boundary, Distance, Index, InternalResult

LOGGER = structlog.get_logger()

[docs] class PolarIndex(Index): """ Index that uses N-sphere coordinates as interfaces. See wikipedia linked below for details. Converting the spatial indices into spherical coordinates has the following benefits: - Since the coordinates are normalized, the radius is always 1. - The search region is rectangular in spherical coordinates, ideal for bayesian optimization. [Wikipedia link on N-sphere]( """
[docs] def __init__( self, embeddings: NDArray, distance: str | Distance, *, polar_backend: type[Index], **backend_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Parameters: embeddings: The embeddings to index. distance: The distance metric to use. polar_backend: The backend to use for indexing. **backend_kwargs: The backend specific keyword arguments. """ embeddings = utils.normalize(embeddings) self._index = polar_backend( embeddings=embeddings, distance=distance, **backend_kwargs, ) dims = self._index.dims - 1 self._boundary = self._polar_boundary(dims) self._data = self._polar_coordinates()
def _search(self, query: NDArray, k: int = 1) -> InternalResult: # Ignores the length of the query. Only direction is preserved. spatial = self.polar_to_spatial(np.ones([len(query)]), query) assert spatial.shape[1] == self.dims + 1, ( "Spatial dimensions do not match embeddings. " f"Expected {self.dims + 1}. Got {spatial.shape[1]}." ) return self._index._search(spatial, k=k) @property def batch(self) -> int: return self._index.batch @property def data(self) -> NDArray: return self._data @property def distance(self) -> Distance: return self._index.distance @property def boundary(self) -> Boundary: return self._boundary def _polar_boundary(self, dims: int) -> Boundary: """ The boundary of the queries. For polar coordinate it is [0, pi] for all dimensions except the last one which is [0, 2 * pi]. Returns: The boundary of the input. """ # See wikipedia linked in the class documentation for details. upper = np.concatenate([[np.pi] * (dims - 1), [2 * np.pi]]) lower = np.zeros_like(upper) return Boundary(np.stack([lower, upper], axis=-1)) def _polar_coordinates(self) -> NDArray: "Converting embeddings to polar coordinates.", batch_size=self.batch ) embeddings = results = [] for idx in range(0, len(embeddings), self.batch): batch = embeddings[idx : idx + self.batch] _, polar = self.spatial_to_polar(batch) results.append(polar) transformed = np.concatenate(results, axis=0) assert ( transformed.shape[1] == self._index.dims - 1 ), "Polar dimensions do not match embeddings." return transformed
[docs] @staticmethod def polar_to_spatial(r: ArrayLike, theta: ArrayLike) -> NDArray: """ Convert an N-sphere coordinates to cartesian coordinates. See wikipedia linked in the class documentation for details. Parameters: r: The radius of the N-sphere. Has the shape [N]. theta: The angles of the N-sphere. Hash the shape [N, D]. Returns: The cartesian coordinates of the N-sphere. """ r = np.array(r) theta = np.array(theta) if r.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"Expected r to be 1D, got {r.ndim}") if theta.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected theta to be 2D, got {theta.ndim}") if r.shape[0] != theta.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"Expected r and theta to have the same length, got {r.shape[0]} and {theta.shape[0]}" ) # Add 1 dimension to the front because spherical coordinate's first dimension is r. sin = np.concatenate([np.ones([len(r), 1]), np.sin(theta)], axis=1) sin = np.cumprod(sin, axis=1) cos = np.concatenate([np.cos(theta), np.ones([len(r), 1])], axis=1) return sin * cos * r[:, None]
[docs] @staticmethod def spatial_to_polar(x: ArrayLike) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: """ Convert cartesian coordinates to N-sphere coordinates. See wikipedia linked in the class documentation for details. Parameters: x: The cartesian coordinates. Has the shape [N, D]. Returns: A tuple. The radius and the angles of the N-sphere. """ x = np.array(x) if x.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected x to be 2D, got {x.ndim}") # Since the function requires a lot of sum of squares, cache it. x_2 = x[:, 1:] ** 2 r = np.sqrt(x_2.sum(axis=1)) cumsum_back = np.cumsum(x_2[:, ::-1], axis=1)[:, ::-1] theta = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(cumsum_back), x[:, 1:]) return r, theta