Source code for bocoel.core.optim.interfaces.optim
# Copyright (c) RenChu Wang - All Rights Reserved
import abc
from import Mapping
from typing import Any, Protocol
from bocoel import common
from bocoel.core.tasks import Task
from bocoel.corpora import Index
from .evals import IndexEvaluator
class Optimizer(Protocol):
The protocol for optimizers.
Optimizers are used for optimizing the search space,
Find the best exploration sequence for a given task.
def __init__(self, index_eval: IndexEvaluator, index: Index, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
index_eval: The id evaluator. Evalutes the items at the given storage indices.
index: The index that contains information about the domain.
**kwargs: The keyword arguments.
# Included s.t. constructors of Index can be used.
def __repr__(self) -> str:
name = common.remove_base_suffix(self, Optimizer)
return f"{name}()"
def task(self) -> Task:
The task to use for the optimization.
One of `Task.EXPLORE` or `Task.MINIMIZE` or `Task.MAXIMIZE`.
def step(self) -> Mapping[int, float]:
Perform a single step of optimization.
This is a shortcut into the optimization process.
For methods that evaluate the entire search at once,
this method would output the slices of the entire search.
A mapping of storage indices to the corresponding scores.
StopIteration: If the optimization is complete.