Source code for bocoel.core.optim.interfaces.optim

# Copyright (c) RenChu Wang - All Rights Reserved

import abc
from import Mapping
from typing import Any, Protocol

from bocoel import common
from bocoel.core.tasks import Task
from bocoel.corpora import Index

from .evals import IndexEvaluator

[docs] class Optimizer(Protocol): """ The protocol for optimizers. Optimizers are used for optimizing the search space, Find the best exploration sequence for a given task. """ def __init__(self, index_eval: IndexEvaluator, index: Index, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Parameters: index_eval: The id evaluator. Evalutes the items at the given storage indices. index: The index that contains information about the domain. **kwargs: The keyword arguments. """ # Included s.t. constructors of Index can be used. ... def __repr__(self) -> str: name = common.remove_base_suffix(self, Optimizer) return f"{name}()" @property @abc.abstractmethod def task(self) -> Task: """ The task to use for the optimization. Returns: One of `Task.EXPLORE` or `Task.MINIMIZE` or `Task.MAXIMIZE`. """ ...
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def step(self) -> Mapping[int, float]: """ Perform a single step of optimization. This is a shortcut into the optimization process. For methods that evaluate the entire search at once, this method would output the slices of the entire search. Returns: A mapping of storage indices to the corresponding scores. Raises: StopIteration: If the optimization is complete. """ ...