Source code for bocoel.core.optim.corpora

import numpy as np
import structlog
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray

from bocoel.core.optim.interfaces import IndexEvaluator
from bocoel.corpora import Corpus
from bocoel.models import Adaptor

LOGGER = structlog.get_logger()

[docs] class CorpusEvaluator(IndexEvaluator): """ Evaluates the corpus with the given adaptor. """
[docs] def __init__(self, corpus: Corpus, adaptor: Adaptor) -> None: self.corpus = corpus self.adaptor = adaptor
def __call__(self, idx: ArrayLike, /) -> NDArray: """ Evaluates the given batched query. Parameters: idx: The indices to evaluate. Returns: The results of the query. Must be in the same order as the query. """ indices = np.array(idx) if indices.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( f"Expected indices to have dimensions [batch]. Got {indices.shape}" ) LOGGER.debug("Evaluating indices", indices=indices.shape) evaluated = self.adaptor.on_corpus(corpus=self.corpus, indices=indices) assert ( evaluated.shape == indices.shape ), f"Expected {indices.shape}. Got {evaluated.shape}" return evaluated