Source code for bocoel.core.exams.interfaces

import abc
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Protocol

from numpy.typing import NDArray

from bocoel.corpora import Index

[docs] class Exam(Protocol): """ Exams are designed to evaluate the performance of a particular index, using a particular set of results generated by the optimizer. """
[docs] def run(self, index: Index, results: OrderedDict[int, float]) -> NDArray: """ Run the exam on the given index and results. Parameters: index: The index to evaluate. results: The results generated by the optimizer. Returns: The scores for each entry in the index. The length must be the same as the results. """ outcome = self._run(index=index, results=results) if len(outcome) != len(results): raise ValueError( f"Length of outcome ({len(outcome)}) must be the same as " f"the length of results ({len(results)})" ) return outcome
@abc.abstractmethod def _run(self, index: Index, results: OrderedDict[int, float]) -> NDArray: """ Run the exam on the given index and results. Parameters: index: The index to evaluate. results: The results generated by the optimizer. Returns: The scores for each entry in the index. The length must be the same as the results. """ ...