Source code for bocoel.core.exams.examinators

from collections import OrderedDict
from import Mapping

from pandas import DataFrame

from bocoel.core.exams.interfaces import Exam
from bocoel.corpora import Index

from .columns import exams
from .stats import AccType, Accumulation

[docs] class Examinator: """ The examinator is responsible for launching exams. Examinators take in an index and results of an optimizer run, and return a DataFrame of scores for the accumulated history performance of the optimizer. """
[docs] def __init__(self, exams: Mapping[str, Exam]) -> None: self.exams = exams
[docs] def examine(self, index: Index, results: OrderedDict[int, float]) -> DataFrame: """ Perform the exams on the results. This method looks up results in the index and runs the exams on the results. Parameters: index: The index of the results. results: The results. Returns: The scores of the exams. Todo: Run the different exams in parallel. Currently the exams are run sequentially and can be slow. """ scores = {k:, results) for k, v in self.exams.items()} original = { exams.STEP_IDX: list(range(len(results))), exams.ORIGINAL: list(results.values()), } return DataFrame.from_dict({**original, **scores})
[docs] @classmethod def presets(cls) -> "Examinator": """ Returns: The default examinator. """ return cls( { exams.ACC_MIN: Accumulation(AccType.MIN), exams.ACC_MAX: Accumulation(AccType.MAX), exams.ACC_AVG: Accumulation(AccType.AVG), } )